Bond Concepts by Madison Investments
In portfolio construction, understanding how each investment or asset class complements one another can be your most valuable ally in achieving a specified financial goal. Many investors turn to correlations to analyze the behavior of one investment with another. For instance, when the value of investment A rises, will investment B also rise? Will it fall? And to what degree? Correlation can be analyzed between asset classes but also between segments of the same asset class. Within fixed income, for instance, credit quality will often dictate the relationship between a bond portfolio and the equity market.
What is Correlation in Investing?
Correlation measures the strength of the historical relationship between two investments or asset classes. A correlation of 1.0 indicates that the two asset classes have moved in tandem with each other. A correlation of -1.0 means the two asset classes moved in opposite directions. As you approach 0.0, the movement between the two asset classes becomes random – or uncorrelated.
Fixed income investments, often a cornerstone in investment portfolios, are known for their income and perceived stability. In theory, fixed income should serve as an uncorrelated diversifier to equities, offering stability when the stock market becomes volatile. In practice, however, we often find the opposite is true – due in part to the underappreciation of correlation.
The decade-long era of near-zero interest rates exacerbated the issue, as many investors took undue risk in search of higher yields, investing in segments of the fixed income market highly correlated with equities. This risk was especially pronounced in 2022 when lower-quality segments of the market dropped double digits alongside equities.
Correlation Analysis
While fixed income, as an asset class, exhibits a lower correlation with equity returns, it’s important to recognize that correlation varies across the different segments within fixed income. Using long-term correlations, let’s examine the relationship between the various segments of the fixed income market and equities.

High-quality bonds, such as Treasurys and corporate bonds rated A or better, tend to have a low correlation with equities, while bonds that pose greater credit risk have a higher correlation.
If you are allocating to fixed income to provide a hedge to your equity exposure, it is imperative to consider the historical correlation. Ignoring this risk may result in an unpleasant surprise when the equity market experiences a downturn.
Do Correlations Change Over Time?
Correlations are not static values; they evolve over time, influenced by market conditions, benchmark composition, interest rate dynamics, and various other factors. To further demonstrate the impact of quality on correlation, we plotted the rolling average correlation of different bond categories with equity market performance.

Notice how high-quality treasury bonds (green line) tend to negatively correlate with equities. This should come as no surprise, as investors seek out the safe haven of treasuries in equity bear markets. On the other hand, high-yield bonds (orange line), often characterized as lower quality or “junk bonds” due to their elevated credit risk, display a much higher correlation with equities. These bonds tend to move in sync with the equity market, and, as you’ll notice in the chart, the correlations grow stronger when equity markets come under pressure.
Stock and Bond Performance During a Recession
It often takes a severe market shock to appreciate the importance of correlation in a portfolio. Think back to the last three economic shocks in which the Federal Reserve cut interest rates in response to the economy slowing. From September 2000 to February 2003 (dot-com bubble), U.S. equities fell 42.5%. In 2008, during the Great Financial Crisis, stocks fell 50.9%. Even during the brief COVID-19 shock, stocks fell 19.6%. In each scenario, how a portfolio fared depended greatly on the types of fixed income it was invested in. Let’s examine the performance of the different parts of the bond market during these three time periods.

Portfolio Implications: High-Quality Bonds vs. High-Yield Bonds
The key question for investors and advisors is why these differences in correlation exist. Given their stronger creditworthiness, high-quality bonds are less affected by economic downturns and market turbulence. In contrast, high-yield bonds are riskier, as they are issued by companies with lower credit ratings, making them more sensitive to market fluctuations.
As their name implies, high-yield bonds offer the potential for higher yields and may maintain a role in some portfolios. Higher quality bonds have shown the ability to preserve principal, especially when stock markets decline. Understanding how the wide range of fixed income options behave within a portfolio helps you take a more comprehensive approach to portfolio construction and risk management.
Learn the nuances of fixed income investing, including the risks, opportunities, and investment styles.