Why Intermediate Bonds? Maximizing Risk-Adjusted Yield

Bond Concepts by Madison Investments

With interest rates across the yield curve luring investors away from cash and short-term bonds, we think it prudent for advisors and investors to consider the risk and return tradeoff in their fixed income allocation and ensure they are being adequately paid for risks being taken, should they move out the maturity spectrum. While some investors may choose to lock in rates through the purchase of longer maturity, individual bonds, many will look to a diversified, separately managed account, mutual fund, or ETF solution. In doing so, it is easy to revert to the tendency to simply assume that broad market strategies with longer durations will deliver greater yield and total return potential than intermediate-term strategies. However, when you examine current valuations and historical performance patterns, the data tells a different story, particularly on a risk adjusted basis.

Yield per Unit of Duration Favors Intermediate Bonds

Yield per unit of duration is one metric that can help investors compare and value bonds with different maturities. Think of it as return potential per unit of interest rate risk, not unlike a Sharpe or Information Ratio often used in the equity markets. For our analysis, we compared the Bloomberg Intermediate Government Credit Index, comprised of bonds maturing in 1 to 10 years, to the longer-duration Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index, which contains bonds with maturities ranging from 1 to 30 years.

Currently, the Aggregate Index yields 4.22% with a duration of 6.09. Its yield per unit of duration of 0.69 is well below its historical average. The Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index currently yields 3.92% with a duration of 3.74. Its yield per unit of duration of 1.04 is slightly above its historical average. Based on this, we would argue that, on an interest rate risk-adjusted basis, a portfolio of intermediate bonds represents fair value, while longer, aggregate portfolios are quite rich.

Yield Duration Chart Bloomberg Intermediate Gov/Credit Index vs. Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index Yield/Duration

Little Absolute Spread Advantage in Longer-term Bonds

It seems logical that the absolute reward for taking additional risk should impact the decision on how much risk to take. As the charts below show, for most of the past quarter century, the average yield reward for moving from an intermediate to a broad market strategy has traditionally been a bit over one-half percent (0.5%) and is often double that. Today, that difference is near historically low levels. This prompts a fundamental question: why accept more risk for seemingly comparable yields?

Yield AGG vs IGC Chart Aggregate vs Intermediate Gov/Credit Yield
Yield Difference AGG vs IGC Chart Average Aggregate vs. Int Gov/Credit Yield Difference

Contributing Factors – Spread Risks: Credit, Structure, and Liquidity Risk

A contributing factor to our thesis above is the role risks other than interest rate risk play in explaining relative performance between intermediate and longer-term bond portfolios in various market environments. The total risk of a portfolio is a function of not only interest rate risk, often measured by duration, but also what is called spread risk, which is made up of credit, structure, and liquidity risk.

While the Aggregate Bond Index has 63% more duration (interest rate) risk than the Intermediate Index (6.09 vs 3.74 duration), the additional exposure to spread risk is just as dramatic. In bonds, spread risk is not simply a function of how much of something you own but also the average maturity or duration of that exposure. The longer the maturity and duration, the more you are exposed to changes in spreads.

The table shows the exposure to each of the spread sectors as a percentage of the total benchmark and the average duration of each exposure.

Not only does the Aggregate Bond Index have more exposure to the spread sectors (51.21% vs. 29.88%), primarily due to the introduction of the mortgage markets (this is where the structure or prepayment risk comes in), but the duration of those exposures is much longer (6.32 vs. 4.10).

Why does this matter? Generally, interest rate and spread risk are relatively uncorrelated. If the economy is doing well, spread risk is being rewarded as spreads on risk assets shrink, but rates tend to be increasing. Conversely, when the economy is doing poorly, spreads widen, but rates fall. This helps explain why an intermediate portfolio, with much lower exposures to both interest rate and spread risk, can be a good, less volatile alternative to a longer maturity structure, especially when the additional yield available on risk assets is near historically tight levels.

AGG vs IGC 9 30 24 Bloomberg Intermediate Gov/Credit Bond vs. Bloomberg Aggregate Bond 9/30/2024

Fed Easing and the Myth of Parallel Shifts

Investors should also consider the monetary policy environment and the potential for cuts to the Fed Funds rate. During periods of easing monetary policy, conventional wisdom would suggest that long-term (10-year and longer) bonds with greater sensitivity to interest rate movements would benefit the most from falling yields. However, duration does not contribute to performance in these periods as some may expect, as bonds with maturities in the intermediate range have historically performed in line with or better than bonds with longer durations.

The main reason for this is that interest rates across the curve rarely move down in parallel. Yields in the 1-5 year range tend to be more impacted by the Fed. During a Fed easing cycle, short to intermediate rates often fall more than longer-term rates, steepening the yield curve. To illustrate, we charted the returns of the aggregate and intermediate bond indices beginning two months before the first Fed Funds rate cut and ending two months after the final cut for each of the Fed’s last five easing cycles. Take out the unprecedented circumstances of COVID and, whether due to the non-parallel steepening of the yield curve or exposure to spread risks (likely both), intermediate portfolios have outperformed expectations, performing in line with or better than a portfolio of broad market bonds.

Yield Curve Shifts5
Yield Curve Shifts4
Yield Curve Shifts3
Yield Curve Shifts2
Yield Curve Shifts1


The return of yield has presented investors with one of the better opportunities of the past 20 years to invest in fixed income. Given the risk dynamics within the bond market and historical yield curve trends, we argue that the intermediate maturity portion of the bond market offers a superior risk/reward profile compared with longer maturity alternatives.

This is not to say that longer, aggregate-like portfolios are an inappropriate investment for everyone. Many investors want or need that longer duration exposure—think of life insurance companies, pension plans, or investors with very long investment horizons. Some retail investors may see a higher yield for a longer maturity bond versus an intermediate bond and decide to buy and hold to lock in that rate for a long period of time. However, for many investors looking for traditional exposure to the domestic bond markets, we believe now is a good time to invest, and intermediate-maturity bonds have the greatest risk-adjusted, total return potential.


Learn the nuances of fixed income investing, including the risks, opportunities, and investment styles.

“Madison” and/or “Madison Investments” is the unifying tradename of Madison Investment Holdings, Inc., Madison Asset Management, LLC (“MAM”), and Madison Investment Advisors, LLC (“MIA”). MAM and MIA are registered as investment advisers with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Madison Funds are distributed by MFD Distributor, LLC. MFD Distributor, LLC is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as a broker-dealer and is a member firm of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The home office for each firm listed above is 550 Science Drive, Madison, WI 53711. Madison’s toll-free number is 800-767-0300.

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In addition to the ongoing market risk applicable to portfolio securities, bonds are subject to interest rate risk, credit risk and inflation risk. When interest rates rise, bond prices fall; generally, the longer a bond’s maturity, the more sensitive it is to this risk. Credit risk is the possibility that the issuer of a security will be unable to make interest payments and repay the principal on its debt. Bonds may also be subject to call risk, which allows the issuer to retain the right to redeem the debt, fully or partially, before the scheduled maturity date. Proceeds from sales prior to maturity may be more or less than originally invested due to changes in market conditions or changes in the credit quality of the issuer.

Indices are unmanaged. An investor cannot directly invest in an index. They are shown for illustrative purposes only, and do not represent the performance of any specific investment. Index returns do not include any expenses, fees or sales charges, which would lower performance.

Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index: a broad-based flagship benchmark that measures the investment grade, U.S. dollar-denominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market. The index includes Treasuries, government-related and corporate securities, mortgage backed securities, asset-backed securities and corporate securities, with maturities greater than one year.

Bloomberg U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index: measures the performance of United States dollar-denominated United States Treasuries, government-related and investment-grade United States corporate securities that have a remaining maturity of greater than or equal to one year and less than 10 years.

Duration: a measure of the sensitivity of the price of a bond or other debt instrument to a change in interest rates. Duration measures how long it takes, in years, for an investor to be repaid the bond’s price by the bond’s total cash flows.

Yield Curve: a line that plots yields (interest rates) of bonds having equal credit quality but differing maturity dates. The slope of the yield curve gives an idea of future interest rate changes and economic activity. There are three main types of yield curve shapes: normal (upward-sloping curve), inverted (downward-sloping curve), and flat.

The federal funds rate is the target interest rate range set by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) for banks to lend or borrow excess reserves overnight. It influences monetary and financial conditions, short-term interest rates, and the stock market.

The Sharpe Ratio is a statistic for measuring risk-adjusted return. It is calculated by using standard deviation and excess return to determine reward per unit of risk. The higher the Sharpe ratio, the better the historical risk-adjusted performance.

Information Ratio is a measure of a portfolio’s returns above the returns of a benchmark, against the volatility of those returns. A higher Information Ratio suggests that a portfolio manager consistently generates higher returns relative to the benchmark, with more performance stability.